Project Development

Project Development

Sustainable Development in jordan

Project development is the process and the facility of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the resources to accomplish specific goals. The process takes a transportation improvement from concept through construction.
Renewable Projects Feasibility Assessment Services:
QEI’s exceptional experience in solar industry enables it to be able to perform analytics and determine whether the project is buildable and financeable. Feasibility studies are the foundation upon which all subsequent stages are determined. Working with QEI can save you development capital.

QEI would help you at understanding thoroughly all aspects of a project, concept, or plan, becoming aware of any potential problems or challenges that could occur while implementing the project and determining if, after considering all significant factors, the project viability. By providing multiple services such as:

o Material Recommendations
o Energy Usage Analysis
o Cost Estimation
o Site Analysis
o Mechanical Constructability
o Technology Analysis
o Project Finance Options
o Logistics
o System Layouts
o Risk Reduction
o Environmental Impact

Our client-centric approach starts with the customer’s goals and objectives, we customize our approach to meet the client’s expectations and even more to exceed them. We will work side by side with you to ensure delivering a professional and accurate evaluation of the project’s potentials.


Sustainable Development Projects

Sustainable Development in jordan

Sustainable Development Projects in jordan